flag down
英 [flæɡ daʊn]
美 [flæɡ daʊn]
- signal to stop
- Let's flag down a cab--it's starting to rain
- The policeman flagged down our car
- Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car.
由于全身湿淋淋,她决定截停下一辆经过的汽车。 - In the garden he had a tall mast with a flag atop, and he hauled it up and let it down with ropes, and used strange sailor talk, such as country folk don't understand.
他在花园里树了一根桅杆,顶端有一面旗子。他用绳子把旗子升起,降下。他说的一些奇奇怪怪的水手话,乡下人是听不懂的。 - The Flame goes out, the flag comes down and the sportsmen and sportswomen of the world are asked to meet again, in peace, in four years time at the next Olympic Games.
五连环旗会降下;四年后在下一届奥运会上,世界各国的运动员们将应邀在祥和的气氛中再相会。 - You flag down that car, you bury your daughter.
你把车停下,你就得埋葬你女儿。 - Officials hung the flag upside down. You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.
官员们把旗子挂倒了。气氛紧张得让人透不过气来。 - A vessel was sighted with the glass, drifting with the wind, and showing her flag with the union down.
望远镜中看到一只船在风中漂荡,倒挂着英国国旗。 - By setting the reserved resource active flag and the offline count down timer, the scheme effectively reduces the QoS signaling cost and handover delay, thus reduces the network transmission burden and service interruption probability.
该机制通过设置资源预留激活标记和离线倒计时,有效地减少了QoS切换信令并降低了切换时延,从而降低了网络传输负担和用户服务中断概率。 - We looked out at the Kremlin on the other side of the Moscow River. The Red Flag was fluttering down for the last time.
我们把目光投向窗外,看着莫斯科河对面的克里姆林宫&在那里,迎风飘动的红旗正最后一次被降下。 - Examples of the Union flag flying upside down.
把联合旗挂反的乌龙例子。 - One red flag is when management sits down with us and right off asks," What do you think is wrong with our share price?"